Frequently Asked Questions

I. General information

WebSurg is the largest online minimally invasive library. The website features educational videos in 16 specialties and technologies. It offers surgical videos, expert feedback and webinars. It also allows members to share knowledge with surgeons. The website is free of charge, with unlimited access anywhere in the world. Educational content is published regularly.

You can find content for various surgical specialties and with lectures and videos demonstrating surgical procedures, which will help you fulfill your learning needs. You can also contribute to WebSurg, and share knowledge and skills with members from the world over.

WebSurg is aimed at healthcare professionals (HCPs) and medical students, as WebSurg's content requires solid medical knowledge. WebSurg welcomes not only students, doctors, surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses, medtech companies, but also anyone with a strong interest in minimally invasive surgery.

II. Browsing

You can browse WebSurg's pages without an account. However, you will need to create an account to have full access to all the videos and educational content of WebSurg, including basecamps and e-learning modules offering CME credits. With your account, you can stay up-to-date with the latest video publications, in your favorite specialties.

You can find recommended videos in your My Content page. If you’re looking for something specific, go to Search in the left-side menu and filter your search by using the filter tool. To discover WebSurg’s content, browse our homepage.

In order to recommend you content, we need to know at least one of your fields of interest. You can select more than one, change them, or delete them at any moment, here.

WebSurg is updated regularly. There is a monthly publication, some surgical fields are updated more frequently than others. You can also contribute to WebSurg in your specialty, you can view the advantages and conditions here:

WebSurg’s content has a valuable scientific interest. The committee meets regularly to decide on monthly publications, to provide a highly educational resource to our members, in full compliance with international surgical guidelines and consensus recommendations.

CME credits are aimed at professionals specialized in activities proposed on WebSurg. Get familiar with the topics, study the videos online, take the quizzes, in order to earn CME credits free of charge. For more information, go to the page Free CME credits.

III. My Profile

You can change your subscriptions at any moment in your profile settings.

Yes, you can. You can access your personal information in your account at any moment using a computer or a mobile device. Edit, change, or delete your information at any moment.

Yes, WebSurg’s content can be browsed freely. You can access it from the main menu.

The videos that you have submitted are shown in the page My content under “Your contributions”. You can follow the different stages of validation of your contribution. You can also access it from the user menu in the My contributions section. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.

You can change your newsletter preferences on your profile, subscribe to or unsubscribe from the WebSurg newsletter.

Personal data is protected via the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). WebSurg members can view the information that you have chosen to share (i.e., username, name, professional title/status). You can change your settings at any moment.

You can retrieve your password by clicking on Forgot password on the login page and you will receive an email to reset your password. Check your spam folder in case you do not receive this email.

Add the WebSurg newsletter email address ( to your contacts to receive the emails in your inbox.

IV. Technical assistance

Try to empty the cache of your web browser and to reload the page. If it doesn’t work, try to connect using another web browser. Our website is compatible with most browsers (e.g. Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Edge, Safari). Please check your Internet connection, as it might be a bit slow.

If your video does not load, please check your Internet connection. Try to decrease the resolution of the video by using the wheel at the bottom of the video in order to view it. This will allow the video to play smoothly and will reduce loading time.

All the videos on are published through the Vimeo platform. If you are experiencing problems with video viewing, click here to access the VIMEO help center page. It can be a problem of video playback or restrictions according to your current location.

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